Sen-Peng Eu  森棚



Department of Mathematics,

National Taiwan Normal University




Upcoming workshop:


    2025 計數組合小型研討會, 5/17 星期六 9:30—16:30 於師大分部   (點擊進入網頁報名)


Previous workshop: 2024




1. Algebraic Combinatorics

2. Enumerative Combinatorics

3. Algebraic Graph theory

4. Gifted Education in Mathematics



2023 Autumn

1.     Topic in Combinatorics (I) [Graduate]

2.     Problem Solving and Teaching (I)


Past courses ever taught:

(Undergraduate courses)

1.     Advanced combinatorics,

2.     Graph theory,

3.     Introduction to Analysis,

4.     Calculus (I), (II),

5.     Topic in analysis,

6.     Algorithm,

7.     Number theory,

8.     Algebra

9.     Problem Solving and Teaching (I) (II)

(Graduate courses)

1.     Topics in Combinatorics,

2.     Combinatorics (I) (II)


    Editorial work


I am currently one of the associate editors of

(1)   Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics


I was once an associate editor of

(1) Tamkang Journal of Mathematics

(2) Guest Editor of the Special issue: "Conceptual and Empirical Studies into Equity Gaps" of the journal Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly

(3) Guest Editor of the Special issue: "Excellence Gaps in Education" of the journal Education Sciences






52. Sen-Peng Eu, L. Kao, J-Y. Lin (2025), Colored q-Stirling and q-Lah numbers: A new view continued, Advances in Applied Mathematics, accepted.

51. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, Y.H. Lo (2025), Bijective Enumeration and Sign-Imbalance for Permutation Depth and Excedances, Journal of Combinatorics, accepted.

50. Y. J. Cheng, Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, C.C. Yao (2024), On q-Counting of Noncrossing Chains and Parking Functions, SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 38, Iss. 1 (2024).

49. C.K. Wu, Y. J. Cheng, Sen-Peng Eu, C.C. Yao (2024), Sign Balances and Promotion Order of Young-Fibonacci Tableaux, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 347.2, Feb 2024, 113751, 2024

48. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu (2024), Springer Numbers and Arnold Families Revisited, Arnold Mathematical Journal, online version published 01 June, 2023, Volume 10, pages 125–154, (2024)

47. Sen-Peng Eu, Louis Kao (2023), Three new Arnold Families, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 30(4), #P4.19, 2023.

46. Y.J. Cheng, Sen-Peng Eu, H. C. Hsu (2023), Statistics of Partial Permutations via Catalan Matrices. Advances in Applied Mathematics 143, Feb 2023, 102451.

45. Y.J. Cheng, M.C. Chou, Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, C.C. Yao, (2023), On Signed Multiplicites of Schur Expansions Surrounding Petrie Symmetric Functions, Proceeding of the American Mathemetical Society, Vol 151(5), 1839-1854, 2023

44. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, H.-H. Lai, Y.-H. Lo (2022), Gamma-positivity for a Refinement of Median Genocchi Numbers, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 29(2), Apr 2022, #P2.15, 2022

43. H-L. Chien, Sen-Peng Eu, T.-S. Fu (2022), On Hankel Determinants for Dyck Paths with Peaks Avoiding Multiple Classes of Heights, European Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 101, March 2022, 103478.

42. Sen-Peng Eu, T.-S. Fu, Y.H. Lo (2022), Signed Mahonian on Parabolic Quotients of Colored Permutation Groups, Advances in Applied Mathematics, Volume 132, January 2022, 102269.

41. Sen-Peng Eu, Z. Lin, Y.H. Lo (2021), Signed Euler-Mahonian identities, European Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 91, January 2021, 103209.

40. H.L. Chang, Sen-Peng Eu, S. Fu, Z. Lin, Y.H. Lo (2021), Character on G(r,1,n) and some new Signed Mahonian for Major and Sorting indices, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 53, 201226 (2021).

39. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, H.C. Hsu, H.C. Liao, W.L, Sun (2020), Signed Mahonian Identities on Permutations with Subsequence Restrictions, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, series A, vol. 170.2, pp. 105-131, 2020

38. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, Y.J. Pan, C. T. Ting (2019), On Enumeration of Families of Genus Zero Permutations, Graph and Combinatorics, vol. 35.6, pp. 1337-1360, 2019.

37. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, H.C. Hsu, H.C. Liao (2018), Signed Countings of types B and D permutations and t,q-Euler Numbers, Advances in Applied Mathematics, vol. 97, pp. 1-26, 2018

36. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, H.C. Hsu, Y.P. Hwang (2018), Fixed Points of the Evacuation of Maximal Chains on Fuss Shapes, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 25.1, pp.1-25, 2018.

35. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, H.C. Hsu, (2018), A Simple Transformation for Mahonian Statistics on Labelings of Rake Posets, Graph and Combinatorics, vol 34-2, pp.373-381, 2018.

34. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, Y.C. Liang, T.L. Wong, (2017), On xD-generalizations of Stirling numbers and Lah numbers via graphs and rooks, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, vol.24, no.2, pp.1-27, 2017.

33. T.Y. Cheng, Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, Y.L. Lee (2017), Skew standard domino tableaux and partial Motzkin paths, Annals of Combinatorics, vol.21, no.1, pp.43-71, 2017.

32. Sen-Peng Eu, H. Shin, S. Seo (2017), Enumerations of vertices among all rooted ordered trees with levels and degrees, Discrete Mathematics, vol. 340.9, pp. 2123-2129, 2017.

31. Sen-Peng Eu, Y.H. Luo, T.L. Wong (2015), The sorting index on colored permutations and even-signed permutations, Advances in Applied Mathematics, no.69, pp.18-50, 2015.

30. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, Y.J. Pan, C.T. Ting (2015), Two Refined Major-balance Identities on 321-avoiding Involutions, European Journal of Combinatorics, vol.49, pp.250-264, 2015.

29. H.L. Chang, Sen-Peng Eu, P.L. Yan (2014), Variances and Determinantal Profiles of Orientations, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, vol.457, pp.209-223, 2014.  

28. H.L. Chang, Sen-Peng Eu, Y.H. Luo (2014), Sign Imbalances of Snakes and Valley Signed Permutations, Advances in Applied Mathematics, vol. 59, 26-47, 2014.

27. S.H. An, Sen-Peng Eu, S. Kim (2014), Large Schroder paths by types and symmetric functions, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, vol.51, No. 4, pp. 12291240, 2014.

26. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, Y.J. Pan (2014), A refined sign-balance of simsun permutations, European Journal of Combinatorics, vol.36, pp.97-109, 2014.

25. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, J.T. Hou, T.W. Hsu, (2013), Standard Young Tableaux and Colored Motzkin Paths, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, series A, vol.120, no.7, pp.1786-1803, 2013.        

24. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, Y.J. Pan (2013), A Combinatorial Proof of the Cyclic Sieving Phenomenon for Faces of Coxeterhedra, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, vol.25, pp.617-638, 2013.

23. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, Y. J. Pan (2013), Baxter Permutations, Major-balance, and Positive Braids, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics , vol.19, pp.1-13, 2013.

22. Sen-Peng Eu, P.L. Yan, T.L. Wong (2012), Hankel determinants of sums of consecutive weighted Schroder numbers, Linear Algebra and Its Application, vol.437, pp.2285-2299, 2012.

21. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, Y.J. Pan, C. T. Ting (2012), Sign-balance identities of Adin-Roichman type on 321-avoiding alternating permutations, Discrete Mathematics, vol.312, pp.2228-2237, 2012.

20. W.C. Chuang, Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu (2012), On Simsun and Double Simsun Permutations Avoiding a Pattern of Length Three, Fundamenta Informaticae, vol.117, pp.155-177, 2012.      

19. A. Berget, Sen-Peng Eu, V. Reiner (2011), Constructions for Cyclic Sieving Phenomenon, SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics, vol.25, pp.1297-1314, 2011.

18. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, (2011), Exterior Pairs and Up Statisitics on Dyck Paths, Pairs and Up Statisitics on Dyck Paths, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, vol.18, pp.1-15, 2011.

17. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, C.J. Lai (2011) , Cycle Lemma, Parking Functions and Related Multigraphs, Graph and Combinatorics , vol.26, pp.345-360, 2011.       

16. Sen-Peng Eu, (2010), Skew-standard Young tableaux of three rows, Advances in Applied Mathematics, pp.463-469, 2010.

15. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, Y.J. Pan (2010), The Cyclic Sieving Phenomenon for Faces of Cyclic Polytopes, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, vol.17, pp.1-17, 2010.

14. Sen-Peng Eu, S.C. Liu, Y.N. Yeh (2008), Catalan and Motzkin numbers mod 4 and 8, European Journal of Combinatorics , vol.29, pp.1449-1966, 2008.

13. D. Armstrong, Sen-Peng Eu, (2008), Nonhomogeneous Parking Functions and Noncrossing Partitions, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, vol.15, pp.1-13, 2008.        

12. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, (2008), The Cyclic Sieving Phenomenon for Faces of Generalized Cluster Complexes, Advances in Applied Mathematics, vol.40, pp.350-376, 2008.

11. Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, (2008), Lattice Paths and Generalized Cluster Complexes, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, series A, vol.115, pp.1183-1210, 2008.

10. G. Chang, Sen-Peng Eu, C.H. Yeh (2007), On the antipodal Gray codes, Theoretical Computer Science, vol.374, pp.82-90, 2007.

9.   Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, (2007), Area of Catalan Paths on Checkerboard, European Journal of Combinatorics, vol.28, pp.1331-1344, 2007.

8.   Sen-Peng Eu, S.C. Liu, Y.N. Yeh (2006), On the Congruences of Some Combinatorial Numbers, Studies in Applied Mathematics, vol.116, pp.135-144, 2006.

7.   Sen-Peng Eu, B.Y. Yang, Y.N. Yeh (2006), Generalized Wiener Indices in Hexagonal Chains, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, vol.106, no.2, pp.426-435, 2006.

6.   Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, C.J. Lai (2005), On Enumeration of Parking Functions by Leading Numbers, Advances in Applied Mathematics, vol.35, pp.392-406, 2005.

5.   Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, Y.N. Yeh (2005), Refined Chung-Feller Theorem, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, series A, vol.112, pp.143-162, 2005.

4.   Sen-Peng Eu, T.S. Fu, (2005), A simple proof of the Aztec Diamond Theorem, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, vol.12, pp.1-8, 2005.

3.   Sen-Peng Eu, S.C. Liu, Y.N. Yeh (2004), Odd or Even on Plane Trees, Discrete Mathematics, vol.281, pp.189-196, 2004.

2.   Sen-Peng Eu, S.C. Liu, Y.N. Yeh (2003), Dyck Paths with Peaks Avoiding or Restricted to a Given Set, Studies in Applied Mathematics, vol.111, pp.453-465, 2003.

1.   Sen-Peng Eu, S.C. Liu, Y.N. Yeh (2002), Taylor Expansion for Catalan and Motzkin Numbers, Advances in Applied Mathematics, vol.29, pp.345-357, 2002.



Education Studies

1.   A. Ziegler, C.-C. Kuo, Sen-Peng Eu, M. Glaeser-Zikuda, M. Nunez, H.-P.Yu, B. Harder (2021), Equity Gaps in Education: Nine Points toward More Transparency, Education Science, 11(11), 711, 2021.



    Academic related (selected)

1.   (Former) Panel member of Review Board in Mathematics and Statistics, Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan. 科技部數學學門審議委員會委員.

2.   (Former) Panel member of Advisory Board in Mathematics and Statistics, Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan. 科技部數學學門議委員會委員.

3.   (Former) Panel member of board, Mathematics Research Promotion Center, Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan. 數學研究推動中心委員.


      Education related (selected)

1.   Editor in Chief of High School Math Textbooks, widely used in Taiwan. 高中教科書主編

2.   Observer/Depute leader/Leader of Taiwanese IMO team (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2014) 數學奧林匹亞國家代表隊觀察員/副領隊/領隊

3.   Judge of Shing-Tung Yau High School Mathematics Awards, 2017-- 2019. 丘成桐數學獎評審

4.   Judge of Taiwan International Science Fair, 2012--current. 台灣國際科展評審

5.   Judge of the Annual Science Fair of Taiwan, 2012--current. 全國科展評審

6.   Judge of Macronix Science Award, 2015- 2019. 旺宏科學獎評審

7.   Member of committee for APMO and IMO, Ministry of Education. 中華民國參加亞太暨國際數學奧林匹亞競賽工作小組委員

8.   Member of Advisory board of Science Fair, Ministry of Education. 科學展覽諮詢委員會委員

9.   Judge of National Mathematics Competition, 2010current (intermittently). 全國數學能力競賽評審

10. Advisory panel member of Taipei Resource center for the Gifted and Talented 2014current. 北市資賦優異教育資源中心委員

11. Deputy chairperson for Gifted Education Central Advisory Team of K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education國教署資優中央輔導團副召集人 (2024--)


      Personal Interests

1.   Lieder, especially Schubert. He is my God. 藝術歌曲, 舒伯特.

2.   Various kinds of songs, especially art songs and folksongs of various countries. I sing fairly well and can sing hundreds of songs. 各式各樣的歌曲.

3.   Classic Music, especially piano related, from Baroque to mid-romantic. I play piano just for fun. 古典音樂.

4.   I once was conductor of several choirs, won 10 times of 1st prizes in national/regional competitions. 合唱指揮.

5.   I was the founder of several choirs, including the Mullers Chamber Choir. 古老青春的合唱熱血

6.   Crosswords, especially NYT and SS. 縱橫字謎.

7.   Origami, the more complicated the better. 摺紙.

8.   Fictions and Short stories. I once won first prize in short stories and poetry of NTNU writing competition back when I was an undergraduate. 小說, 短篇故事.

9.   Feature Reports. I am an avid reader. 專題報導.



Last update: 2025/2/18