
                                                      台灣師大數學系 洪萬生教授

        去年六月12-15日,筆者應Otto Bekken之邀,前往挪威參加阿貝爾 (Niels Abel) 兩百週年誕辰紀念研討會(參考拙文〈阿貝爾兩百年與兩百年的阿貝爾〉,本刊第五卷第八、九期)。此一研討會也同時紀念對於HPM國際化最有貢獻的 John Fauvel,他不幸在2001年英年早逝(本刊曾在第三卷第六、七期以專輯來紀念他)。

        現在,這一研討會之論文彙編已經出版,書名就叫做 “Study the Masters: The Abel-Fauvel Conference”,總共收入論文與紀念文字27篇,目錄如下:

        1. Otto B. Bekken (挪威Agder University College數學教授,北歐HPM的代表人物), “Read the Masters! – Read Abel! – a biographical sketch”.

        2. Otto B. Bekken, “The lack of rigor in analysis: From Abel’s letters and notebooks”.

        3. Harold M. Edwards (美國NYU數學教授,知名的數學史家), “Abel’s view of Abel’s theorem”.

        4. Claire V. Berg, “Evariste Galois and his first Memoir”.

        5. Harold M. Edwards, “What does it mean to solve a polynomial equation?”

        6. Man-Keung Siu (蕭文強,香港大學數學教授,知名的數學史家), “In the Memory of John Fauvel”.

       7. David J. Pengelley, “A graduate course on the role of history in teaching mathematics”.

       8. David J. Pengelley, “The bridge between the continuous and the discrete via original sources”.

        9. Michel Helfgott, “Ten great books in the history of mathematics teaching”.

        10. Reidar Mosvold, “Genesis principles in mathematics education”.

        11. Kristin Bjamadottir, “Algorismus”.

        12. Staffan Rodhe, “Samuel Klingenstierna”.

        13. Marit Lahb-Johannessen, “The Norwegian mathematician F.C.H. Aretz”.

        14. Nils Voje Johansen, “Capspar Wessel and geometrical representation of complex numbers”.

        15. Kajsa Brating, “Malsten’s proof of the integral theorem”.

16. Johan Prytz, “An early Swedish textbook in calculus”.

17. Bengt Johansson, “Mathematics as a school subject in Sweden – a historical perspective”.

18. Bjorn Smestad, “Historical topics in Norwegian textbooks”.

19. Sten Kaijser, “Are mathematical innovations inventions or discoveries?”

20. Anders Tengstrand, “Back to Euclid”.

21. Wann-Sheng Horng, “A teaching experiment with Prop. IX. 20 of Euclid’s Elements”.

22. Peter H. Random (HPM Newsletter 主編), “John Blagrave”.

23. Fulvia Furinghetti(現任HPM主席)& Annamaria Somaglia, “History as a tool for math education and for research in math education”.

24. Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze (Agder University College數學史教授),1 “Descartes in the classroom: methodology and coordinates”.

25. Michel Helfgott, “The principle of least time and the phenomenon of refraction”.

26. Steinar Thorvaldsen, “Kepler’s contributions to computing and computer science”.

27. Steinar Thorvaldsen, “Mendel’s experiments as a Markov chain”.


        針對這些論文,主編 Otto B. Bekken Reidar Mosvold特別還做了簡單的分類。前5篇與阿貝爾有關,亦即主要是涉及他的數學史論述;後22篇則與Fauvel有關,亦即是有關HPM的論述。此外,第7-10篇還特別涉及『何以數學史』(why history?)。第11-19篇則是Nordic主題,專門以斯堪地那維亞半島數學史為討論對象,顯然是為了明年 (2004) HPM在瑞典召開,而號召當地學者(包括研究生)預作熱身活動。這些論文為我們勾勒了十九世紀北歐數學如何在德國的影響下,力爭上游的一些片段。這個脈絡當然因為阿貝爾的現身,而顯得意義非凡。筆者與 Tengstrand的論文(第20-21篇),則以歐幾里得為主題。最後6篇則將背景放在十七世紀歐洲,其中作者包括了 Peter RansomFulvia FuringhettiReinhard Siegmund-Schultze

        本書出版資料如下:NCM2003年出版;共有310頁。國際書碼:ISBN 91-85143-00-6


1. 所謂『數學史教授』(professor of mathematics),是指這個『空缺』只聘數學史專家,而非一般的數學家。Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze 原來任教於柏林大學數學系,是國際知名的專業數學史家。