Program ex0603
implicit none
integer :: students, i
integer , allocatable :: grades( : )
write(*,*) 'How many students in this class A ?'
read(*,*) students
do i = 1, students
write(*, '(1X, A25, I2, A2)') 'Input grades of number', I, ':'
read(*,*) grades(i)
end do
do i = 1, students
if (grades(i) < 60) then
write(*, '(1X, A10, I2, A8)') 'number', I, 'fail!'
end if
end do
write(*,*) 'How many students in this class B ?'
read(*,*) students
do i = 1, students
write(*, '(1X, A25, I2, A2)') 'Input grades of number', I, ':'
read(*,*) grades(i)
end do
do i = 1, students
if (grades(i) < 60) then
write(*, '(1X, A10, I2, A8)') 'number', I, 'fail!'
end if
end do
end program ex0603