出版資訊 (11/2003)
台師大數學系 洪萬生教授輯
vs. 邏輯的關係。本文採取歷史進路,凸顯『命題』與『論證』的意義,然後,再據以評論上述各教科書的缺失或不足。鑒於本文所指陳的一些問題,筆者建議『邏輯』單元移到高一上課程的『附錄』,或者乾脆移到高三下學期。至於修訂的主要內容,則請編者或修訂者務必認真地區分『有效邏輯推論』與『數學命題真假』。同時,邏輯用詞也應該精確,以免喪失它們被引進高中數學教材的美意。
This article is devoted to a critical review on the “logic” topic of
the current senior high school mathematics textbooks in Taiwan. Among the six editions of the textbooks published by six
different publishers, their editors fail to understand, in a “formal” way,
what is logic about and how logic should be incorporated into mathematics
curriculum. This is due apparently
to their use of “informal” terminology in the presentation of the topic.
Therefore, it does no help to student’s understanding of logic and its
relation to mathematics. In this
article, I adopt a historical approach to explore meaning of proposition and
argumentation, which is, in turn, used to comment on the topic of the textbooks. As a conclusion, I urge the editors in their revisions of the
textbooks to move the topic either to become an appendix to the textbooks used
for the first semester of the senior high school students or that used for the
last semester of the senior high school students. As for the content recommended for revision, I also suggest
that the editors should seek to clarify the distinction between “valid logical
inference” and “truth of mathematical proposition”. In addition, logic terms should also be presented precisely
in order to make sense of the introduction of logical concepts to the
mathematical textbook.
Key words: senior high school mathematics, logic
topic, proposition, argumentation.
In senior high school mathematical curriculum, with
the introduction of coordinate system, manipulating algebraic symbolism comes to
dominate the core in the learning of analytic geometry.
Students’ appreciation of geometrical concepts turns out to be messy
and trifling. This article takes
for example the teaching of conic sections.
By designing worksheets, teachers can introduce the historical material
about conic sections to students. Using
the object “latus rectum” in Conics of Apollonius, we can
connect “conic sections” -- geometrical representation of the curve, with
“the equation of conic sections” -- algebraic representation of the curve.
The goal of these worksheets is to help students think from another angle
about geometrical entities, with the hope that students can come to understand a
whole picture of the subject. This
article concludes with the feedbacks from my students and my suggestions on how
to use these worksheets.
Key words: Unity of geometry and algebra, conic
sections, latus rectum.
舉例來說,利用『對數』來做計算,是一種過去式的學習動機了。今天在高科技計算機的發展下,教師並沒有足夠的理由,說服學生學習對數,以解決他們在生活中可能面對的一些問題。儘管教師強調對數如何在數學及科學應用上扮演重要的角色,相信學生也只能在大學相關的高等科目才會了解到。除此之外,在現在的教科書中,常直接地將對數定義為指數函數的反函數-以現在的術語表示,即「若a x = y,則稱x是以a為底數時,y的對數」。如此形式化的定義,可能使得學生感到對數其實與人類的生活並無相關!在這種情形下,似乎會使上述的兩個問題變得更難回答。就我的觀點,將數學史整合融入數學教學中,應該是很好的另類選擇。
The teaching of mathematics has a structure that proceeds from the simple
to the complex and from the concrete to the abstract.
In so doing, math teachers’ chief concern is always how to bring the
outside world into the classroom and what is the best way to get students to
think of math as a language that can be used to reason and explore. Usually, if teachers can find some good teaching materials,
it will be easier for them to plan teaching activities. However, some trouble may happen to the teaching of some
concepts in senior high school mathematics course.
For instance, the calculation of logarithm is now a thing of past.
When teaching the concept of logarithm, due to the development of high-tech calculator, teachers don’t have sufficient reasons to motivate
students to use logarithm to solve problems which they will encounter in their
life. Even though teachers stress
that logarithmic function has played an important role not only in mathematics
but also in its application to science, students will not realize this until
they study advanced courses in college. Moreover,
the formal definition of the concept “logarithm” in textbooks directly
defined as an inverse function of exponential function-in
our modern terminology, if a x
= y, then the logarithm of y
to the base a is x, may cause students to feel that logarithm has nothing to do with
human life. Thus, this situation
seems to lead the above-mentioned
questions to become much less easy to answer. From my viewpoint, integrating the history of mathematics into
the teaching should be a good alternative.
In this article, I present a teaching sequence which has been undertaken
in my classroom whose purpose is to make students know the evolution of the
concept of logarithm and the different steps which mathematicians have taken to
operate algebraic symbols. My
teaching sequence is centered on the correspondence between arithmetic and
geometric progressions. Instead of
launching the students into the modern algebraic symbolism from the very start-something
that often discourage many of them-algebraic
symbols are only introduced at the end.