Example for designs in 18 runs with 6  three-level factors


Input your prior knowledge on
π1 : the experimenter's prior belief that the linear term xi is in the true model (p1).
π2: the prior probability that a quadratic effect is in the true model given that the linear effect of the same factor is in the model (p2).
π3:   the prior probability that an interaction is in the true model given that the linear effects of both the factors involved are in the model (p3).

Probabilities for models with different numbers of parameters being the true model for a three-level design for six factors (Figure 1 in Tsai et al, 2007 JSPI)

(a) π1=1, π2=1; and π3=0.5  
function mod_out.m (called modnom.m, frac.m)
p1=1;p2=1;p3=0.5; mod_out
(b) π1=0.8, π2=0.7 and π3=0.3
p1=0.8;p2=0.7;p3=0.3; mod_out