Selected Publications

  1. Convergent Authalic Energy Minimization for Disk Area-Preserving Parameterizations (with S.-Y. Liu)
    Journal of Scientific Computing, 100(2):43, 2024.
    [Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Preprint] [BibTex]

  2. Riemannian gradient descent for spherical area-preserving mappings (with M. Sutti)
    AIMS Mathematics, 9(7):19414–19445, 2024.
    [Publisher's Version] [Preprint] [BibTex]

  3. Convergence Analysis of Dirichlet Energy Minimization for Spherical Conformal Parameterizations
    (with W.-H. Liao, T.-M. Huang and W.-W. Lin)
    Journal of Scientific Computing, 98(1):29, 2024.
    [Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Preprint]

  4. Convergence Analysis of Volumetric Stretch Energy Minimization and its Associated Optimal Mass Transport
    (with T.-M. Huang, W.-H. Liao, W.-W. Lin and S.-T. Yau)
    SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 16(3):1825–1855, 2023.
    [Publisher's Version] [Full Text]

  5. Theoretical Foundation of the Stretch Energy Minimization for Area-Preserving Simplicial Mappings
    SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 16(3):1142–1176, 2023.
    [Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [BibTex]

  6. A Constructive Algorithm for Disk Conformal Parameterizations (with W.-H. Liao)
    Journal of Scientific Computing, 92(2):40, 2022.
    [Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Project Page]

  7. A Two-Phase Optimal Mass Transportation Technique for 3D Brain Tumor Detection and Segmentation
    (with W.-W. Lin, T. Li, T.-M. Huang, J.-W. Lin and S.-T. Yau)
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12962. Springer, Cham., 2022.
    [Publisher's Version] [Full Text]

  8. A novel 2-phase residual U-net algorithm combined with optimal mass transportation for 3D brain tumor detection and segmentation
    (with W.-W. Lin, J.-W. Lin, T.-M. Huang, T. Li and S.-T. Yau)
    Scientific Reports, 12, 6452, 2022.
    [Publisher's Version] [Full Text]

  9. An optimal transportation-based recognition algorithm for 3D facial expressions (with T. Li and P.-S. Chuang)
    Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 7(1):49–96, 2022.
    [Publisher's Version]

  10. Convergent Conformal Energy Minimization for the Computation of Disk Parameterizations
    (with Y.-C. Kuo, W.-W. Lin and S.-T. Yau)
    SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 14(4):1790–1815, 2021.
    [Publisher's Version] [MathSciDoc] [Project Page]

  11. 3D Brain Tumor Segmentation Using a Two-Stage Optimal Mass Transport Algorithm
    (with W.-W. Lin, C. Juang, T.-M. Huang, T. Li, S. Wang and S.-T. Yau)
    Scientific Reports, 11, 14686, 2021.
    [Publisher's Version] [Full Text]

  12. Projected Gradient Method Combined with Homotopy Techniques for Volume-Measure-Preserving Optimal Mass Transportation Problems (with T.-M. Huang, T. Li, W.-W. Lin and S.-T. Yau)
    Journal of Scientific Computing, 88(3):64, 2021.
    [Publisher's Version] [Full Text]

  13. A New Efficient Algorithm for Volume-Preserving Parameterizations of Genus-One 3-Manifolds
    (with T. Li, W.-W. Lin and S.-T. Yau)
    SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 13(3):1536–1564, 2020.
    [Publisher's Version] [MathSciDoc] [Project Page]

  14. Optimized Surface Parameterizations with Application on Chinese Virtual Broadcasting
    (with H.-H. Huang, T. Li, W.-W. Lin and S.-T. Yau)
    Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 53:383–405, 2020.
    [Publisher's Version] [Abstract] [Full Text]

  15. A Novel Algorithm for Volume-Preserving Parameterizations of 3-Manifolds (with T. Li, W.-W. Lin and S.-T. Yau)
    SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 12(2):1071–1098, 2019.
    [Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [MathSciDoc]

  16. A Novel Stretch Energy Minimization Algorithm for Equiareal Parameterizations (with W.-W. Lin, C.-T. Wu and S.-T. Yau)
    Journal of Scientific Computing, 78(3):1353–1386, 2019.
    [Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [MathSciDoc] [MATLAB Demo]

  17. An Efficient Energy Minimization for Conformal Parameterizations (with W.-W. Lin, C.-T. Wu and S.-T. Yau)
    Journal of Scientific Computing, 73(1):203–227, 2017.
    [Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Preprint] [MATLAB Demo]

  18. An efficient numerical method for solving high-dimensional nonlinear filtering problems (with W.-W. Lin and S.-T. Yau)
    Communications in Information and Systems, 14(4):243-262, 2014.
    [Publisher's Version] [Full Text]

  19. An efficient algorithm of Yau-Yau method for solving nonlinear filtering problems (with W.-W. Lin and S.-T. Yau)
    Communications in Information and Systems, 14(2):111-134, 2014.
    [Publisher's Version] [Full Text]