
  • Quadratic Forms over Q
  • In this very short note, our objective is to classify quadratic forms over the field of rational numbers, i.e., the Hasse-Minkowski theorem.
    Prerequisite for reading this note is elementary knowledge of the p-adic numbers.
  • A Short Course on Linear Representations of Finite Groups
  • The primary goal of this note is to introduce a beginner to the finite dimensional representations of finite groups.
    Prerequisite for reading this note is basic group theory and linear algebra.
  • A note on Complex Representations of GL(2,Fq)
  • This note is a sequel to ``A Short Course on Linear Representations of Finite Groups''. We concentrate on the representations for the groups of invertible 2 by 2 matrices over finite fields.
    Prerequisite for reading this note is ``A Short Course on Linear Representations of Finite Groups''.
  • A Brief Introduction on Local Class Field Theory
  • We introduce the Local Class Field Theory and use Lubin-Tate extension to prove the ``Existence Theory''.
    Prerequisite for reading this note, apart from Galois theory, is merely a standard introduction to the theory of local fields.
  • Factorization in Commutative Rings
  • We show that an Euclidean domain is always a principle ideal domain and a principle ideal domain is always a unique factorization domain. We also provide examples to show that the converse of these statements are not true.
    This note is suitable for college students who knows basic ring theory.
  • 一個 Zariski 的定理
  • 介紹證明 Hilbert's Nullstellensatz 所需的 Zariski 的定理. 並介紹 algebraic element 和 integral element 之間的關係以及 vector space 和 module 之間的關係.
    基本知識需要知道大學代數中 ring 和 field 的性質.
  • Problems in Algebraic Number Theory
  • 利用作習題的方式介紹一些代數數論的基本知識。 預備知識需對代數有基本的認識。
  • Introduction to Coding Theory
  • 編碼學的簡介﹝大部分的定理並無證明﹞。 預備知識僅線性代數及一些有限體的基本知識,適合大三以上同學。