J.H. Alcantara, C-H Lee, C.T. Nguyen, Y-L Chang, and J-S Chen,
On construction of new NCP functions,
Operations Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 115-121, 2020.
V.M. Tam and J-S Chen,
Estimating error bounds for differential systems involving coupled variational-hemivariational
inequalities with applications to quasistatic contact problems, submitted, 2025.
X. Chi, L. Gan, and J-S Chen,
An efficient predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm using a special power function for P*(k)-weighted
horizontal linear complementarity problem,
submitted, 2025.
Y. Lu, Z-Q Hu, D-Y Xue, and J-S Chen,
An SAA approach for solving a class of stochastic linear semidefinite inverse optimal value problems,
submitted, 2024.
B. Saheya, J. Hu, T. Zhanlav, and J-S Chen,
A third-order-convergence improved Newton method and its numerical performance,
submitted, 2024.
X. Chi, Y. Yang, and J-S Chen,
A novel corrector-predictor interior-point algorithm for sufficient weighted linear complementarity
problems based on an AET function,
submitted, 2024.
X. Chi, L. Gan, Z. Gao, and J-S Chen,
A feasible interior-point method with full-Newton step for P*(k)-weighted linear complementarity
problem via the algebraically equivalent transformation,
submitted, 2024.
X. Chi and J-S Chen,
Sufficient weighted second-order cone complementarity problems,
submitted, 2024.
Y-L Chang, C-C Hu, C-Y Yang, and J-S Chen,
On a new equation: greatest integer value equation,
submitted, 2024.
C. Wu, C-Y, Yang, and J-S Chen,
An improvement on the q-FR conjugate gradient method,
submitted, 2022.
J-S Chen,
Neural networks for solving second-order cone programs based on complementarity functions,
Proceedings of NAO-Asia2016 (held in Niigata, August 1-6, 2016), May, 2018.
(the proceeding is published by JNCA, so it also appears in Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis,
vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 1621-1641, 2018)
J-S Chen,
The developments of discrete-types of NCP-functions,
Proceedings of the RIMS Workshop on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis (2015),
RIMS Kokyuroku Series 2011, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences,
Kyoto University, pp. 83-99, December, 2016.
X-H Miao and J-S Chen,
From symmetric cone optimization to nonsymmetric cone optimization: Projections onto nonsymmetric cones,
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth RAMP Symposium,
Niigata University, pp. 25-34, October, 2016.
J-S Chen,
On merit functions for the second-order cone complementarity problem,
Proceedings of the RIMS Workshop on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis (2006),
RIMS Kokyuroku Series 1544, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences,
Kyoto University, pp. 153-162, April, 2007.